Main Street Village
Leasing Information
Call Us 239-657-6576
Visit Us 104 Anhinga Circle, Immokalee, FL 34142

Overview of Neighborhood
In 2000, Rural Neighborhoods launched the first new housing development in Immokalee in over a decade. Downtown at 11th and Main Street, our 79 garden-style apartments and clubhouse offer an attractive landscaped setting and affordable rents all within blocks of jobs, shopping, childcare and schools. In the decade since construction, Main Street Village always ranks among the most popular rental communities in Immokalee due to its convenient location.
Main Street Village also marks Rural Neighborhoods’ earliest undertaking outside Miami-Dade, our first co-development venture and initial access to Florida Housing Finance Corporation capital. Its success opened the door to broadening our charitable efforts to other distressed communities throughout rural Florida.
- Clubhouse
- Computer Learning Center and Library
- Playground and Sports Court
- Income Restricted
The Community: Downtown Immokalee
Each fall migrant workers trickle into Immokalee – a poor town 40 miles east of the Gulf Coast resorts of Naples and Sanibel Island. From September to June the town swells to nearly 30,000 as migrants join seasonal farm workers to plant and harvest tomatoes and peppers. Others pick oranges and grapefruit. Some opt for the packinghouse – packing box after box of produce, placing them on pallets and into waiting tractor-trailers.
In other places workers are often isolated on farms miles from town. Here poverty is in plain sight. From 1st to 9th Street is Immokalee’s downtown – a tumbledown business district overwhelmingly oriented to Latinos and Haitians. Each workday old school buses arrive a block off Main Street and haul hundreds of workers for the fields. Field hands return at the end of the day and tread off to crowded nearby trailers and shabby two-story walk-ups. Rural Neighborhoods’ Main Street Village brings quality housing to downtown — an achievement that opens the way for further development.