Gifts In Kind

Many people have made requests to give more than just money to our work in rural communities. Family-to-family food packages, back-to-school backpacks and other gifts help in meaningful and joyous ways. The good will, generosity, and commitment to making a difference are deeply appreciated.
Rural Neighborhoods offers our corporate partners opportunities to be part of our work or to help us defray our operating costs. Firms are invited to showcase their products and services – from landscape plants and building materials to computer equipment and paper products to pro bono trade and professional services. Please contact us at to discuss community service opportunities and tax advantages of helping others less fortunate.
Won’t you consider hosting a donation drive at your office, place of worship or school to collect the following items?
zBack-to-School Backpack
Is there a bright spot to the “End-of-Summer-Blues?” Our kids will say their cool, new school backpacks! Rural Neighborhoods aims to help over 800 children in its communities start each school year equipped with new book bags filled with age-appropriate school supplies. Teen and children’s books are also welcome items. Help us buy and stuff backpacks and join us in distributing them to promising future scholars. It will end your “blues” too!
Fresh Start Baskets
Many migrants arrive at our communities with no more than a few pieces of clothing or personal items. Help give our unaccompanied workers a strong start in their new units by providing basic personal and household items. (If you travel frequently, collected hotel toiletries are a great gift-in-kind!) Rural Neighborhoods welcomes complete baskets of any of the following items:
- Linens including towels, bed pillow, bed sheets, and blankets
- Toiletries including soap, shampoo, toothbrush, toothpaste, razors and shaving cream
- Toilet paper
- Laundry Detergent and laundry bag/basket
- Multi-purpose cleaners
Food Pantry
From time to time the elderly and families with children have a tough time meeting all their basic expenses. Sometimes they are forced to choose between paying for rent, food or medical costs. By helping stock our emergency food pantries, you give someone a crucial source of nutrition and comfort when money runs short. Rural Neighborhoods’ needs wholesome, nonperishable items such as:
- Hearty soups and stews and canned meals (chili, pork and beans, chow mein)
- Pasta and spaghetti sauce
- Canned meat (tuna, ham or chicken) and canned vegetables (beans, corn or potatoes)
- Latin and Ethnic staples like rice and beans (pinto or black beans)
- Kid-Friendly items like ravioli, macaroni and cheese, peanut butter and jelly, pancake mix and syrup
- Fruit juice boxes and canned fruit
- Cereals, coffee and tea
- Baby Foods
Charitable gifts of household goods and furnishings fill an important role in improving the lives of those we serve. Donations must be in working order and suitable for immediate use by a needy household. The condition of each item must be ‘good-to-excellent’ in order for Rural Neighborhoods to accept. Dish sets, glassware and utensils are a welcome gift!
Being a non-profit organization travel for pick-up or paying for the disposal fees for non-usable items are not within our budget. Unfortunately, there are instances where we must say “No, Thank You.”