Healthy Housing Initiative Funded
Indiantown, FL business leader David Powers is Rural Neighborhood’s most recent member of the board bringing real estate expertise and broadening our geographic representation to Martin County. David posted a 12-year career in the propane and natural gas industry before forming Indiantown Realty Corporation. Importantly, he was a strong advocate and leader in bringing about…
Five residents of Immokalee recently traveled to Columbus, Ohio, to attend the annual Community Leadership Institute (CLI) held by NeighborWorks America. Approximately 1,000 people attend each year from communities across the United States, including Puerto Rico and Hawaii. The CLI is a great opportunity for residents to meet people from other places and talk about…
La clase de costura Hecha a Mano en Immokalee fue el tema de un artículo publicado recientemente por la reportera de Naples Daily News, María Pérez. La clase de costura comenzó en noviembre de 2015 y está dirigida por la diseñadora de moda, Gwendolyn Gleason. Cada semana, se trabaja con los estudiantes que están interesados…
Concerned about drug and other criminal activity in the Eden Park area, residents recently met with Ron Mosher of the Collier County Sheriff’s Office to discuss possible solutions. The group of 12 residents received information about the Neighborhood Watch program. Neighborhood Watch is a national program that encourages neighbors to look out for one another. …
El mes pasado, Rural LISC anunció que Rural Neighborhoods fue una de las 18 organizaciones comunitarias que presta servicios a comunidades rurales en 16 estados para recibir fondos en virtud de su iniciativa de arte y cultura. Estas subvenciones fueron generadas por Rural LISK Cohesive Economic Development Initiative que apoyan programas y proyectos que se…
Longtime Rural Neighborhoods volunteer, Antonia Rios’, recently spoke about her immigrant experience with PBS station WUFT. Rios’ Eden Park home in Immokalee was damaged by Hurricane Irma in 2017 and was among the more than 70 owner-occupied dwellings rehabbed by Rural Neighborhoods with financial assistance from the Community Foundation of Collier County and American Red…