Building Community

In building a sustainable neighborhood one rule of thumb we use is simple: can residents find the things they need within a 10 minute walk of home? In building new communities it’s simpler – pick a good location. In rebuilding communities, it’s not. Perhaps there’s no playground or park. No place for childcare. No access to health care or supportive services. Sometimes Rural Neighborhoods has to do more than residential construction to build a place for working families to call home. If a neighborhood lacks the essential elements to foster community, we ask ourselves can we build it.
Looking back we think we have! Rural Neighborhoods has revitalized old (and constructed new) parks. Hard work established a new health clinic. Three childcare centers help families with two wage-earners go to work. Neighborhood office space brings services to the underserved. Take a look at some of our best efforts – like the 10-acre Cinco de Mayo Park or the Fernando Pro Child Development Center – then take a look at how we’re Imagining More.