Revitalizing Our Communities

Eden Park – Esperanza Place
With funding from NeighborWorks America, Rural Neighborhoods began working with residents and stakeholders in early 2015 to comprehensively assess the strengths and challenges of the Eden Park-Esperanza Place (EP2) neighborhoods in Immokalee. This diverse area is home to approximately 7,400 residents, the majority of whom are Latino (81%).
The result of this year-long effort was the creation of the Eden Park-Esperanza Place Mi Casa – Kominote M Revitalization Plan. Developed using a collaborative approach, it puts on paper the many ideas and goals of residents and stakeholders for turning EP2 into a safe, livable community. The Plan is divided into four areas: physical environment, education and youth, healthy lifestyles, and resident engagement. Each of the four sections includes goals and strategies specific to that topic. Other data related to EP2 includes the rental and homeownership market studies conducted for the area.
We now turn our efforts toward implementing the plan. Rural Neighborhoods recognizes the integral role residents will play in making implementation successful. Without resident involvement, achievements will be short-lived and unsustainable. For this reason, we annually offer Resident Leadership Academies to help residents learn and practice new leadership skills.
To get involved or learn more about EP2, please contact Steve Kirk at 305-242-2142 or Dottie Cook at 239-658-3315.