Rural Neighborhoods Wins $500,000 Grant
Rural Neighborhoods was recently awarded a $500,000 Project Reinvest grant to focus on neighborhood revitalization in the Eden Park area. A total of 55 grants were awarded nationwide, with Rural Neighborhoods’ application being one of only five selected from rural communities.
Steve Kirk, President of Rural Neighborhoods, said “Project Reinvest provides the perfect opportunity to jump start implementation of multiple strategies from the Mi Casa – Kominote M Revitalization Plan residents created last year for the Eden Park- Esperanza Place neighborhoods.” The goals of both the plan and grant are similar and involve improving the neighborhood while building on the sense of community among residents.

Some activities to be undertaken through the grant include physical repairs to multi-family rental housing and renovation of owner-occupied units. Other activities focus on improving neighborhood safety, offering health-related opportunities such as community gardens and healthy nutrition classes, providing resident leadership training, holding community events to strengthen neighborhood ties, and expanding access to the arts. To learn more about Project Reinvest in the area, contact us at 239-658-3315.
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