
Estudiantes Organizan Fiesta de Primavera

Estudiantes Organizan Fiesta de Primavera

Los estudiantes del Colegio Bowdoin en Maine se divirtieron durante la Fiesta de Primavera con los niños de Eden Gardens (Rural Neighborhoods property). Los estudiantes de Bowdoin visitaron a Immokalee con la finalidad de vacacionar y prestar servicios voluntarios a organizaciones locales sin lujo lucrativo. Después de plantar arbustos y limpiar la propiedad, al día…

Graduados de la Academia de Liderazgo Para Residentes

Graduados de la Academia de Liderazgo Para Residentes

Diez participantes recientemente completaron la Academia de Liderazgo de Rural Neighborhoods. La Academia de Liderazgo fue designada para ayudar a los residentes a expandir sus habilidades en las áreas de comunicación, resolver conflictos, y trabajar juntos en equipos. El grupo también aprende a como mejorar su comunidad. Las clases que tuvieron una duración de tres…

Handmade Immokalee

Handmade Immokalee

Fashion designer Gwendolyn Gleason is teaching Immokalee residents to sew. Each Tuesday afternoon, a group of women, some of whom have never sewed before, attend her class to develop their sewing skills. Many women use the skills to make or repair clothes for their families, while others already sew for friends and are seeking ways…

BankUnited Donates to Rural Neighborhoods

BankUnited Donates to Rural Neighborhoods

In early October, BankUnited presented Rural Neighborhoods with a check to support its work in Immokalee. Specifically, the donation will help preserve and create affordable housing units in this rural community. Currently, Rural Neighborhoods has 18 new units under construction in Immokalee and is in the process of acquiring 75 existing units that will undergo…

Sanders Pines

Plans to Acquire & Rehabilitate Timber Ridge and Sanders Pines are Progressing

Rural Neighborhoods recently announced its planned $4.85M acquisition and rehabilitation of the Timber Ridge and Sanders Pines apartment complexes as one component of its multi-faceted revitalization effort in the Eden Park-Esperanza Place neighborhood of Immokalee, Florida. Rural Neighborhoods’ goal is to preserve and improve local workforce housing. Even as Timber Ridge and Sanders Pines age,…

Residents See Results

Residents See Results

For the past few months, staff of Rural Neighborhoods has been meeting with local residents to get their input on needed improvements in the Eden Park-Esperanza Place (EP2) area. To date, over 40 residents have participated and one group is already seeing results. At their September meeting, residents at Eden Gardens expressed a desire to…

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