Our Vision

Our vision is to be remarkable – to break through commonplace ways of doing things to impact the lives of working families and revitalize disadvantaged communities. Isn’t everyone’s? Unfortunately not. The opposite of remarkable isn’t work that’s poorly done; most organizations do things that are good enough. Good is an everyday occurrence. Our aim, on the other hand, is to do extraordinary work.
It isn’t easy. In bad times some point out there’s not enough resources to be remarkable – new ideas aren’t cheap they say, hold on to capital and just play it safe. In good times, the same folks tell you take it easy, follow the rules, no need to craft new plans. We think that pattern is dangerous. Lessoning hardship takes more than a run of the mill approach.
Rural Neighborhoods’ choice is simple – be good enough, follow everyday paths or stand out, balance risk, and take a chance at real, remarkable change. We pick to be remarkable.
Our Mission Statement
Our mission is providing shelter, a simple decent place to live for working families – especially migrant and seasonal farm workers, to eliminate substandard housing, overcrowding and to make rents affordable.
But our objective is not just to build houses. We want to develop strong communities in which people can live and grow, be neighbors first, and then good neighbors, to be a place families pass through en route to the pride and hope that accompanies ownership.
Our challenge is to enrich lives — to celebrate culture, spark creativity, educate and engender personal strength and leadership. Our duty is to stand beside those we seek to serve and their communities in moments of adversity and disaster.
Our aim is a two-way partnership between persons in need and persons concerned. We offer tough love not simply charity. We are called to work with the poor, to listen, to be their partner and not simply do something we choose for them. Our task is to respect people, value the differences among them and deal with individuals the way we would like that individual to deal with us.
Our tools include our collective talent, ardor, voice and committed partners.