Disaster Recovery

Natural disasters happen. The poor suffer, people give money and government jumps in and fixes everything. Everyone goes back to normal. That’s not how it works. There are no quick fixes. In the aftermath of a storm the effects are devastating and, in some cases, permanent. Rebuilding after a tornado or hurricane can take decades.
We’ve been there. The morning after Hurricane Andrew our place of work was strewn in pieces across a farm field – our desks, the walls and the roof. Even worse few staff still had a place to live. So we know firsthand it is gestures both large and small that bring hope to the devastated and begin the process of rebuilding.
We will rebuild! That was the rallying cry that arose from the rubble of our neighborhood in 1992 (and from so many more communities since). It’s also Rural Neighborhoods’ commitment to communities struck by disaster that we have the privilege to serve. Rebuild we will – however long it takes.
Read about our rebuilding in the aftermath of Hurricane Andrew. Learn how we put people first, property second in hurricane preparedness. Find out about how we have served in past disasters.